
Using pip#

pip install ipytone

Using conda#

conda install ipytone -c conda-forge

Or using mamba:

mamba install ipytone -c conda-forge

JupyterLab extension (v2 only)#

For JupyterLab v2.x, the ipytone extension must also be installed:

jupyter labextension install ipytone

For JupyterLab v3+, not extra-step is required here.

Development installation#

To install a developer version of ipytone, you will first need to clone the repository:

git clone
cd ipytone

You can then install all the ipytone dependencies and developer tools using conda (or mamba):

conda env create --file=environment-dev.tml
conda activate ipytone-dev

Next, you can use pip to install ipytone in editable mode:

python -m pip install -e .

In order to re-build the front-end extension after editing it you need to first install its dependencies via the Yarn package manager:

yarn install

If you are developing on the classic Jupyter Notebook, run the commands below to build and install the extension:

yarn run build:lib
yarn run build:nbextension

Or if your are developing on JupyterLab:

yarn run build:lib
yarn run build:labextension:dev

Run the tests#

To run ipytone’s (Python) tests:

python -m pytest ipytone

Linting and formatting#

Some pre-configured git hooks are available via Pre-commit to automatically check and format the Python code (using Black and Ruff) and the Typescript code (using Prettier). To install those hooks, run the following command:

pre-commit install